Monday, Jul. 06, 1925
In Worcester, Mass., is a Roman Catholic college of renown--Holy Cross. In the college is a library, in the library a librarian. The latter, by recent appointment, is one Foster W. Stearns.
These facts were set forth last week in the Protestant press. For one thing, Mr. Stearns had once possessed a vigorous Protestant Episcopal faith; had, in fact, graduated from the General Theological Seminary, Manhattan, became rector of Christ Church, Sheffield, Mass. A "convert to Romanism,"** he had then gone to a Jesuit college.
For another thing, the new librarian is the son of Frank W. Stearns, Congregationalist storekeeper, mentor of the President.
**Many Roman Catholics object to the terms "Romanist" and "Romanism" as generally used in the Protestant press. They regard themselves primarily as Cathlics, secondarily as Roman Catholics. The official name of their church is "Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church."