Monday, Jul. 20, 1925

N. Y. vs. N. J.

Where great masses of humanity congregate for their enrichment, enlightenment and pleasure, there always develops a great amount of offal which must be disposed of if their enrichment, enlightenment and pleasure is to continue. And the problem of offal often breeds trouble. Recently, the War Department reprimanded Chicago for drawing too much water from Lake Michigan for the purpose of flushing away its offal. Chicago was ordered to construct incineration plants and use less water.

Last week, it was the turn of New York City to be reprimanded. In 1917, one of that city's garbage-reduction plants was destroyed. A special permit was granted by the War Department to dump garbage at sea. Great scows heaped with offal are towed out of New York Harbor, out beyond Sandy Hook, to a point 14 miles from the coast of Long Island and 22 miles from New Jersey. There the offal is consigned to Father Neptune.

But it appears that Father Neptune, scorning the tribute, casts it back upon the shores of New Jersey. And the Governor of New Jersey, equally scornful and twice as indignant, proclaimed to the War Department that offal had destroyed the beaches of his resorts, polluting their waters and making them unsanitary. He suggested that the dumping be farther at sea. But already the offal barges must travel 42 miles to their dumping ground and are able to make but one trip in 24 hours; they cannot go farther and still accommodate the existing volume of their traffic.

Dwight Filley Davis, Acting Secretary of War, wrote to the Mayor of New York City, demanded that the city hasten its construction of planned incineration plants so that it may cease to trouble the great sea -- and New Jersey--with its offal.