Monday, Jul. 20, 1925
The Hon. E. L. Patenaude, Conservative politician, urged a Conservative mass meeting at Lachine, Que., to unite to fight annexation of Canada by the U. S. He declaimed:
"I have no fear of annexation by treaty, still less of annexation by conquest, but I do fear the insidious daily penetration of Yankee foodstuffs, Yankee clothing, Yankee cereals, Yankee periodicals, Yankee 'movies,' Yankee ideas and Yankee ideals. . . .
"The 49th degree of latitude is a line that exists only in the imagination, and it looks as though it were going to cease to exist even there. The borderline exists by virtue of a treaty that is respected by both sides, but when your mines are ruled, your water powers exploited, your timber limits seized upon-- all for the benefit of the alien living on the other side; and when, after taking all your natural resources, shipping them to the United States and selling them back to us as manufactured products, the hearts and souls of your children are turned American by the influence of their art, their literature and constant close association, it is time to ask ourselves what we are coming to."