Monday, Jul. 20, 1925


In London, one F. H. Wallis issued a slogan : "Flying for the million." When pooh-poohed, he told how he had invented an airplane so light it can be lifted by an ordinary man, so small it can be driven by a six-horsepower motorcycle engine, so sturdy it can fly 70 miles an hour, so cheap to manufacture that it can be sold for $1,000. Next month, hopeful Wallis will test his plans.

At Washington, D. C, the National Air Transport Co. (recently organized $10,000,000 commercial air service company) drafted a committee on Public Relations, appointed Will H. Hays chairman.

In Detroit, the National Air Transport Co. (see above) mailed to the Curtiss Airplane Co. the biggest single order for commercial aircraft ever placed in the U. S.--ten carrier pigeon planes. They will be used to carry from city to city, at night, those communications that are too important to delay and not important enough to telegraph.

At Mitchel Field, L. I., a report was issued: only three deaths in 31,363 flights, in 25 months.

Out of England, in the columns of the Daily Graphic, came the preposterous story of one Charles Gligorin, young Austrian inventor, who claimed to have "deeply interested" the British Air Ministry with a design for a monoplane flying on the principle of Herr Anton Flettner's rotorship (TIME, Nov. 17, Dec. 8, Mar. 2, July 6). Replacing wings with rotors, retaining the normal propeller, Inventor Gligorin claimed a 240-horsepower motor would drive his monoplane at 300 miles an hour, would enable it to rise almost vertically like a helicopter. It would, he claimed, cross the Atlantic in 12 hours, be able to land in a city street. The Graphic stated that the Air Ministry had offered to build an experimental model according to Gligorin's plan. Awaiting Gligorin's arrival, the U. S. remained highly skeptical.