Monday, Jul. 20, 1925
Born. To Pancho Villa, champion flyweight boxer (108 lb.), a son (10 lb.); in Manila.
Engaged. Miss Louisa Fletcher, daughter of Stoughton A. Fletcher, famed Indianapolis banker (Fletcher American National Bank), to Count Ernst Gottfried von Schmettow, Prussian.
Engaged. Ralph W. Ince, cinema director, to Miss Lucille Mendez, chorus girl, daughter of the late President Cipriano Castro of Venezuela. He was divorced a fortnight ago by Lucille L. Stewart, sister of Cinema Actress Anita Stewart, who charged cruelty.
Engagement Denied. Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, to Earl Smith of Manhattan, Yale student.
Married. Lyman D. Wilbur, son of U. S. Secretary of the Navy Wilbur, to Miss Henrietta Shattuck, school teacher, daughter of the late Herbert A. Shattuck, publicity director for Inventor Thomas A. Edison; at Leland Stanford Jr. University, Calif.
Died. Mrs. Samuel Gray, wife of Pitcher Gray* of the Philadelphia American League Baseball Club; in Philadelphia.
Died. Clarence H. White, 54, famed photographer (White Studios) ; in Mexico City, of heart disease.
Died. Dr. George H. Bridgman, onetime (1899-1902) U. S. Minister to Bolivia, later Consul to Jamaica; in Keene, N. H.
Died. Professor Giacomo Boni, 66, archaeologist, who became famed through his researches into the antiquities of Rome and was director of excavations at the Forum; on the Palatine Hill, at Rome, from an apoplectic stroke. King Vittorio Emanuele and Premier Benito Mussolini sent condolences to his family. Signor Cremonesi, Royal Commissioner of Rome (equivalent of mayor), sent in the name of the Eternal City a guard of honor to the mortuary, announced that the funeral expenses would be borne by the city.
Died. Jacob H. Vanderbilt, 70, last of the second generation of financially prominent Vanderbilts; in Tacoma, Wash., of heart disease.
Died. Mrs. Henrietta Page Gaston, 93, mother of Lucy Page Gaston, famed anti-cigaret leader; in Evanston, Ill., eleven months after the death of her daughter.
* Pitcher Gray is one of the mainstays of the Philadelphia staff. He has won 9 games and lost only 2 this year -- a record surpassed by none of his teammates. The Philadelphians are second in their league.