Monday, Jul. 27, 1925

To Williamstown

Arrived in the U. S. tall (6 ft. 3 in.), handsome Count Alexander Skrzynski (pronounced Sh-trin-ski), Polish Foreign Minister. At a Manhattan pier a swarm of his fellow-countrymen greeted him. To them the Count addressed Polish words.

To reporters he waxed cheerful over conditions in Poland. Asked about finances, he was able to reply in a prolonged burst of optimism that they never had been better. On Russia as a neighbor, he was not less eloquent, but he thought that "the Russian people are worse off and more unhappy" than they were before Bolshevism bowed behind the footlights of the world's stage.

Count Skrzynski came to the U. S. upon the invitation of the Williamstown Institute of Politics to lecture upon Poland and conditions in Central Europe. But he had, as he himself explained, "a sentimental mission" to the American people. "We still have to discharge," he added, "the debt of gratitude* which we feel we owe the American people for the part played by them in Poland's restoration to independence and for their aid and sympathy."

*Arrangements for funding Poland's $178,000,000 War debt to the U. S. were made last year--payments over a period of 62 years, interest first at 3%, later at 3 1/2.