Monday, Jul. 27, 1925
Jubilation at Moscow. The Dobrolet and the Dobrochim celebrated their second birthdays. The first is a voluntary aeronautical society; the second, a voluntary chemical society. Soon they are to be fused into the Aero-Chemical Society. As such the Society will promote Red aviation, production of gases for Red defense and for Red industries.
M. Christian Rakovsky, Bolshevik Charge d'Affaires at London, left Moscow and, after bumping across the continent and plowing through the North Sea, landed at Harwich. His briefcase contained orders for $75,000,000 worth of machinery, textiles, etc. British manufacturers smacked their lips, rubbed their hands and passed pleasant remarks about the weather. Rakovsky said that he could not pay cash and was about to explain about the wonderful harvest prospects when it became obvious that his audience was no longer interested.
Did or did not the 17-year-old Grand Duchess Anastasia, youngest daughter of the Tsar and Tsarina, perish with her foully murdered parents and relations at Ekaterinburg? Has or has not the real Grand Duchess, now 24 years old been discovered in Berlin? These are questions that were being elucidated in the German metropolis, not without much excitement among the emigres.
Ill at Sorrento, Italy, Maxim Gorky, "The Bitter One," famed Russian novelist, became morbid, cabled Dr. Alexander Kaun of the University of California to commission him to write The Life and Times of Maxim Gorky. Dr. Kaun left immediately for the author's bedside.