Monday, Aug. 03, 1925
Mr. Coolidge's Week
P: The President, pursuant to a resolution of Congress, ordered the balance of the Boxer indemnity,* amounting to $6,137,552.90, remitted to China for educational purposes.
P:Not the least striking event of the week at Swampscott was a session which the President had with the news correspondents. The import of the meeting was variously garbled, camouflaged or ignored in press dispatches. The plain fact was that Mr. Coolidge raked the correspondents over the coals. He said that their "hot weather reporting" was pretty poor stuff. He suggested that some of them might well give their daily reports a serial title: "Faking with the President." He intimated that it would be better not to send out fake reports oftener than every two weeks-- not to report that he was expecting an anthracite miners' strike since he was not; not to report that he was going to call a conference of miners and operators at Swampscott, since he had made no such plan; not to report that he was planning to call a special session of Congress because of the coal situation or any other reason, since he does not intend to; not to report that he personally was taking part in debt negotiations with foreign diplomats, since he was not; not to report that he had seen any evidence ' of bootleggers or rumrunners operating near Swampscott, since he had not; not to report that the heavens were about to fall every time a Cabinet member or Senator came to White Court, since all members of the Cabinet and all Senators now at the Capital had been invited to come to Swampscott and spend a week end if they liked, to get away from the heat, to discuss if they cared to, in a general way, the program for next winter; and especially not to report oftener than once in two weeks that Secretary Weeks had resigned or was about to resign--which the President has several times denied--not to indulge in this rumor too often, if for no other reason, for the sake of the feelings of Mr. Weeks, who is recovering from a serious illness.
P:John Coolidge, the President's son, arrived at White Court for a few days before going into a summer military camp. He "flunked" a French course at Amherst College last spring and must be re-examined in that subject in the fall. Said The New York World:
"Poor John Coolidge. The woods and the fields beckon, the girls buzz around, the water is right for swimming. But these things mean nothing to him. He flunked French, and this is his vacation:
Je suis. Nous sommes.
Tu es. Vous etes.
II est. Ils sont.
Ou est la plume?
La plume est sur la table.
Ou est la table?
La table est ici."
P:The President's secretary received, among messages of equal importance, a telegram from Mrs. Ella O. Guilford of the Women's Peace Union denouncing "theatrical advertising in which the sentiment of womanhood Was outrageously exploited for the sake of the Ziegfelds." A group of chorus girls from Ziegfeld's Louie the 14th had danced "the Charleston" on the steps of the City Hall in Manhattan in the interests of a recruiting drive for the U. S. Army.
P:Representative J. William Taylor, Republican National Committeeman from Tennessee, called at White Court on a matter of patronage and announced to reporters that 'if he [Coolidge] is a candidate again, he will carry Tennessee, as did Harding."*
P:The date when Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge will return to Washington has not been definitely decided. They had expected to return about Sept. 1 ; but, because redecoration of the White House will probably not be completed, their return may be postponed until after Labor Day (Sept. 7). P: Robert Woods Bliss, U. S. Minister to Sweden, called at White Court and told Mr. Coolidge: "The relations between Sweden and the United States are as happy as possible." P: Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge went to church of a Sunday at the Congregational Tabernacle, Salem, where the Rev. Charles II Reals of Milwaukee was preaching. Said Preacher Beale in his sermon :
"The greatest fact that the human mind can contemplate, apart from the being and presence of God, is the stupendous movement that has been continued for countless ages, from energy to atom, from atom to molecule, from molecule to the masses of matter that form the physical universe--from matter to life, from simple to complex forms, through vegetable to animal, from beast to man, from savage to barbarian, from barbarism to civilization."
P:President Coolidge telegraphed to Mrs. William Jennings Bryan express- ing his sorrow at the death of her husband (see Page 6).
P:The President directed Secretary Kellogg to make an official announcement of Mr. Bryan's death, and announce a day of mourning at the time of his funeral.
P:Mr. Coolidge received a message of good will from the Governor General of Australia saying "the visit of the U. S. fleet will strengthen the friendship between our peoples." To this the President made answer: "I am sure that our aims will always be similar."
P:Embarking on the Mayflower on a stormy day, the President was whirred across Massachusetts Bay to Pemberton Point, where Louis K. Liggett,* contributor to many Coolidge campaign funds, was having a grand outing for his druggist employes from the entire country. The arrangements were badly bungled. Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge were not met at the pier, Mr. Liggett and his party having gone to the wrong pier by mistake. Afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge were so badly jostled by the crowds of eager druggists that naval and military aids had to use force to protect them.
The Submarine S-1 showed up to take part in the entertainment, and riflemen punctured and dispelled eggs, glass balls and other bric-a-brac cast into mid air. From this entertainment the President did not get home until 7 p. m.
*Following the Boxer revolt in 1900, put down by foreign powers including the U. S., an indemnity of $335,900,000 was extracted from China. The share of the U. S. was about $24,500,000. In 1908 the U. S. remitted some $12,000,000 of this amount to be spent by China for educational purposes. The balance is now disposed in similar manner. *Tennessee was the only state carried by Harding in 1920 which Coolidge did not carry in 1924. Coolidge, however, carried Kentucky, which Harding lost. *Louis Kroh Liggett is an able, self-made man. At 14 he was working for a firm of dry-goods brokers. At 27 he was selling a line of druggists' goods. Conceiving the idea of cooperative buying and manufacturing, he induced 40 druggists to put $4,000 each in the project. At 50 he is head of the United Drug Co., doing a business of almost $1,000,000 a week with a group of 8,000 privately owned stores in the U. S., Canada, England and elsewhere, and with 190 stores owned outright by the Liggett companies. He did not get ahead without setbacks, however. In the panic of 1907 he was hard up, held a cash auction and within an hour had checks and orders for $92,000 in his silk hat. In 1914, again in difficulties, he started his one-cent sale department that now does a business of several million dollars a year. Besides his business ability, his other attainments are attested by an anecdote: At a druggists' convention in St. Louis some years ago, a bout between two professional boxers was part of the entertainment. The winner of the bout offered to take on any one of the spectators. Louis K. Liggett stepped into the ring. After two rounds, the professional declined to continue.