Monday, Aug. 03, 1925
Herewith are excerpts from letters come to the desks of the editors during the past week. They are selected primarily for the information they contain either supplementary to, or corrective of, news previously published in TIME.
Warns Against Smallpox
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Public Health
State House, Boston
July 23, 1925
TIME New York, N. Y.
Before finding fault, may I express my admiration for the way in which you handle in small space complex matters apparently accurately? It is often easier to write a book than a sentence. Because of this general high level of accomplishment, it seems worth while to point out a recent misstatement.
In your issue of July 13, Page 16, under "Epidemics," you discuss the Epidemiological Report of the League of Nations Secretariat and state that "smallpox is less prevalent in the United States and Canada than ever before." The most recent of these reports available to us is that of May 15, which has recently arrived and to which I gather you refer. It reads in part: "The smallpox situation in the United States seems to have begun to improve: 3,412 cases were reported in 27 states during the four weeks ending March 28. ... It appears thus that the maximum incidence was reached two months earlier than in 1924. . . . Smallpox is less prevalent in Canada than it was during the early months of 1924 . . ." This is hardly equivalent to saying that the disease is less prevalent "than ever before."
As long as a high percentage of the population is vaccinated, no smallpox epidemic will occur. To maintain interest in this procedure before an outbreak occurs is the duty of health authorities, and this is made increasingly difficult by such distortions of fact which give a false sense of security with the accompanying indifference.
New London, Conn. July 24, 1925.
New York, N. Y.
What was the interest in your announcement in the issue of July 20, Page 1, that Jervis, bodyguard of the President, fell into an elevator shaft and dropped five feet with a crash without the information that the President was following close behind him and was warned of the danger?
Eyewitnesses differed. Said some: "The President followed close." Others : "He was in another part of the building." Unable to verify, TIME omitted. Was Subscriber Mitchell present that she speaks so authoritatively?--ED.
"No Such Law"
City Hall Providence, R.I. July 13, 1925
TIME New York, N. Y.
Sirs: In your issue of July 13, 1925, on Page 15, quote: "Believe nothing that you see in newspapers," and on Page 29, under Law in Providence," you prove the We have no such law as you quote. The of State "Police stated "that proper conditions with competent driv 35 miles an hour would be considered The writer of your item must be nearing 60th birthday. E. MERLE BIXBY.
Thoughtful Friend
Montgomery, Ala. July 22, 1925
TIME New York, N. Y. July 22, 1925
Your magazine was only recently brought
to my attention by a thoughtful friend. I have been a constant reader--purchasing it from a news company--ever since. In general, I like it much better than anything of its kind--in fact, almost unqualifiedly.
I want to become a subscriber--provided you can assure me that no "insidious" propaganda lurks in its columns--especially Roman. I believe I am rather "catholic" (original meaning) in my views, and can trust myself to read almost anything, but I do not wish to place in my home, week after week, any magazine of any kind which is published for propaganda purposes. It's perfectly all right with me for you to call the present Pope "the Vicar of Christ" (TIME, July 13, P. 17) if it is understood that this is substantially a quotation.
By the way, though, I can't admit "Mister Gettis"--(same issue, P. 29). More power to Gettis, but he never was, never will be a "Mr." This term is offensive to practically everyone south of the M. & D. Line--and would be to the Editors of TIME if they lived here (i.e., the South) for five years--it just isn't done. Is it right, then, to inflict Negro "Misters" on a large (and probably increasing) percentage of your subscribers?
If it's worth while to answer paragraph 2, I will send check for a year's subscription. ARTHUR B. CHILTON. TIME thanks Candidate Subscriber Chilton for his patience, his courtesy. But no honest paper can guarantee that its columns are propaganda proof; even the best of journals are sometimes victimized by unscrupulous fellows whose wits are sharper than those of the editor. TIME can only promise that it will never knowingly offend.--ED.
Hammond Lamont
Geneva, Switzerland July 11, 1925
New York, N. Y.
Probably by this time others will have drawn to your attention a somewhat serious slip in your biographical paragraph about the late Hammond Lamont, in connection with the establishment by his brother, Thomas W. Lamont, of the Theodore William Richards chair of Chemistry at Harvard (issue of June 29, Page 22).
All that you say of Hammond Lamont is true and well-deserved, except that he never was editor of the Saturday Evening Post, which is published, as of course you are aware, in Philadelphia. Lamont was for several years (you say six--I do not remember) managing editor, and an extraordinarily able managing editor, of the New York Evening Post: a very different matter. While acting in that capacity he also wrote for that paper editorials which for vigor, clarity and elegance of style were notable, and made it a foregone conclusion that he would be appointed to the editorship of The Nation (then closely affiliated with the Evening Post), upon the death of Mr. Garrison.
It is my judgment that but for his untimely death in 1909, Hammond Lamont would have taken very high rank among American writers. Aside from that, he was in quality of manhood a prince among men.
(Formerly managing editor, New York Evening Post)
"Bad Taste"
New York, N. Y. July 24, 1925
New York, N. Y.
Referring to your issue of July 20, containing the article on Page 14, column 1, on the subject of "Gershwin Bros.," the writer takes exception to the nonchalance with which you have discriminated in the status of the subject of the article.
I doubt very much whether you would speak of other persons in your columns as "Young Catholics," "Young Methodists," "Young Presbyterians" or "Young Holy Rollers."
It strikes me that this continual discrimination against the Jew can do nothing but foment antagonism and aid ill-breeding, race hatred; it astonishes me greatly that a progressive sheet such as yours should have stooped to such stupid practices. Such editorial implications in your news columns is amateurish and unprofessional bad taste.
TIME spoke of George Gershwin as a "young Jew." No offense was intended. --ED.