Monday, Aug. 10, 1925
"Queen of Holland''
M. Doumergue, President of France, visiting the Decorative Arts Exposition, was suddenly stopped by one of his suite before an elaborate pavilion.
"Monsieur le President," said the suite member, "step in, and I will present you to the Queen of Holland."
The President demurred. "Comment?" said he. His entourage answered with smiles and smiles and President Doumergue entered.
Queen Wilhemina was not there.
Only slight, however, was the Presidential disappointment. For in Her Majesty's stead he saw a flawless, exquisitely cut diamond, sparkling with a transparent, sky-blue light, hitherto unknown in precious stones. Weighing 136 carats, it is the largest cut diamond in the world, and its name is "Queen of Holland."
The diamond was found, the President was told, ten years ago in Cape Colony, and belongs to an American firm on Fifth Avenue.
Monsieur Doumergue fondled the Queen. "How much," he asked, "is she worth ?"
"Between 20 and 30 million francs ($1,000,000 to $1,500,000)," said an expert.
The President sighed. "A poor functionary like me would have to work 20 years to become the owner of this little bauble." *
*The salary of the President of France is 1,000,000 ($50,000) francs yearly.