Monday, Aug. 17, 1925
Hood and Veil
For perhaps the millionth time, in the Convent of the Carmelite Sisters, Louvain, Belgium, the bread and wine became sacred elements of the body of Our Lord. The priest--saying his first mass--was Count Claude Delbee, one-time officer in the army of the King of the Belgians. To his former wife, the Countess, he gave the wafer, looked upon her, never to look again.
The bonds of matrimony having been loosed, he, ordained a fortnight ago by Cardinal Mercier, has become monk in the congregation of the Picpus Fathers She, henceforth, is Sister Claire Marie.
During the past five years, many nobles, on both sides of the Rhine, have taken hood or veil. The case of the Delbees is merely one of the more peculiar.