Monday, Aug. 24, 1925
A curious bird is the pelican.
His beak will hold more than his belican. . . .
How much food should a lifeboat load, should her mother-boat sink at sea? Last week three mariners of Cornwall and a wireless operator set out to discover, taking with them in the 40-ft., 15 h.p. Elisabeth and Blanche, a modified lifeboat, only hardtack, chocolate, condensed milk, tinned stuffs and vegetable extracts to eat on a 38,000 mi. cruise around the world. They will stop at 50 points and report their condition, which, if ever it becomes ominous, will certainly do so on the 4,600-mi. stretch between Tasmania and Durban. Despatches did not state whether or not the Cornish mariners would indulge themselves at ports of call.