Monday, Aug. 31, 1925

Herr Prasident

The Nation's Business, organ of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, published an official statement from President Von Hindenburg:

"The social confusion resulting from the outcome of the war and post-war conditions which have prevailed for several years now seem definitely to have given way to a readjustment of social life along stable lines. I am firmly convinced that this stabilization of economic and social conditions will continue to improve in Germany as peaceful conditions are restored among the peoples of Europe. I, for my part am determined to do my best toward such restoration and preservation of peace."

Meanwhile the Herr President was besporting himself on a strenuous vacation probably having forgotten that he had ever written or had his secretary write a statement for the Nation's Business. At Dietmannsried, in Bavaria, he was the guest of Frau Hubert Von Schilicher, the widow of a friend. There he rises at 7:30, according to report, works until noon, dines heartily, then walks for three or four hours in spite of his 78 years. Occasionally he goes on a chamois hunting expedition with his son, Major Von Hindenberg, his son-in-law, Herr Von Kugelgen, and a number of Bavarian blood hounds of whom he is very fond.