Monday, Sep. 14, 1925
Repeated dispatches say that after a lapse of some ten years Russia is again to have, freely and openly, her vodka. The Soviet Government has decided to manufacture it again, with 40% alcoholic strength. The reason given is that this year a good harvest is expected and the Government, knowing that the peasants would manufacture a great deal of strong drink for themselves, decided that it might as well do the manufacturing itself at a profit.
In New York State Isaiah J. Churgin and Ephraim Skliansky went rowing on Long Lake. The rowboat overturned and they were drowned. Both were officers of the Amtorg Trading Corporation, buying machinery for Russia. Funeral services, without religious ceremonies, were held at a funeral chapel in Manhattan. There were 500 wreaths sent--most of them allegedly from grateful U. S. merchants, unnamed. One with an inscription "To my dear friends and co-workers," was said to have been placed there by order of Leon Trotzky. Four busses, two flower cars, ten limousines and other automobiles made up the funeral procession. The corpses were cremated to be shipped home.