Monday, Sep. 14, 1925

Memorial Seats

Druggist E. F. Robinson of Dayton, Tenn., to one A. D. Fairbairn, promoter: "Mrs. Bryan has given full approval of our plans to erect the Bryan memorial university in Dayton and we will proceed immediately with the creation of a great national organization."

Promoter Fairbairn to the world: "The sacred character of the enterprise which the people of Dayton have started makes a strong appeal everywhere. . . Some of our great universities are turning put Bolshevists and parlor anarchists by the hundreds annually, and a university such as will be erected in Dayton will constitute a standing rebuke to these institutions of learning."

So goes the aftermath of the hysterical Scopes trial (TIME, May 18, 25, June 1 et seq) The sacred enterprise is to be situated on a 26-acre tract over the road from the house in which William Jennings Bryan breathed his last. . . Mrs. Bryan will be furnished an abode on the college grounds; will spend part of each year therein. . . . "A Prominent New Yorker" is sought for the chair of a national advisory committee. . .

From Valdosta, Ga., came a general statement that the plans for a college in memory of Woodrow Wilson are "gathering momentum." (Valdostians have already subscribed $500,000 toward a fund of five millions--TIME, Feb. 9.)