Monday, Sep. 21, 1925
Mr. Coolidge s Week
Mr. Coolidge's Week
P: The last hours at Swampscott were full. In evidence were Adolph S. Ochs, Eliot Wadsworth (candidate for Mayor of Boston), Nicholas Longworth and chiefs of various Massachusetts fire departments. There was a last party aboard the Mayflower, given for the pastor and choir of the Salem Tabernacle Congregational Church, which the Coolidges attended all summer. There was a last dinner at Red Gables with Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Stearns.
Finally Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge, accompanied by their friend, Senator William M. Butler, were swallowed up in a railroad train and carried off in the first section of the Bar Harbor Express. Next day they were let down in Washington.
Mrs. Coolidge looked about her with interest. "What a fine new vacuum cleaner! And how fresh the woodwork looks with its new paint. Those two harmonizing blue colonial wallpapers in our bedrooms are really very well chosen. Whatever is left of the $50,000 for renovation will buy a new rug for the Green Room."
P: Straightway a steady stream of Cabinet members began to flow into the White House to pay official calls. Next day the first Cabinet meeting in eleven weeks was held (see CABINET).
P: Coming from Swampscott (cool weather and heavy underwear) to Washington (hot weather and summer gear) the President hurried to consult his throat specialist as a precaution against developing his recurrent "rose fever."
P: The Yacht Mayflower sailing home from Swampscott with the presidential silver, china and servitors, making her way across Massachusetts Bay toward the Cape Cod Canal, was almost rammed by the liner Martha Washington. The Mayflower cut across the liner's bow and the Martha Washington was obliged to order full speed astern.
P: The President named a board of engineers and others interested in military aviation to study "the best means of developing and applying aircraft in national defense" (see ARMY, NAVY).
P: A delegation of 17 officers and directors of the National Air Transport, Inc., headed by Howard E. Coffin, President of that com- pany, called on Mr. Coolidge to present a plan for a commercial aviation service from New York City to Chicago and Dallas.
P: Wayne B. Wheeler, Anti-Saloon League leader, called at the White House "to assure the President of the support our constituency will give every step toward better enforcement of Prohibition."
P: The President's rose fever became severe. He visited his throat specialist seven times more within a few days. On Sunday he was scarce able to so to church.