Monday, Oct. 19, 1925


To Scandinavians Prince William, younger son of King Gustavus of Sweden, is known as an inquiring traveler, whose wanderings almost equal those of Edward of Wales, and as a poet-playwright of some note.

Two years ago he converted his impressions of Africa into a play called Kinangozi. And when it was produced by a distinguished cast of Swedish actors, who greasepainted themselves into the likeness of Negroes, the sensation created in Stockholm was so great that the play later passed triumphantly to Oslo, Norwegian capital, and was acclaimed there.

Now an announcement comes from Stockholm that a new play by Prince William is shortly to be put into rehearsal by the Swedish National Theatre. This time the Prince has essayed a drama dealing with life at sea, has entitled it On Board, and drawn for background upon the events surrounding the several active commands which he has held in the Swedish Navy. Considering the passion for seafaring which animates so many Scandinavians, the Prince's latest choice of subject matter is considered as well advised, if not so sensational, as his negroid theme of two years ago.