Monday, Oct. 26, 1925


Siamese courtiers wagged their heads sadly. King Rama, they averred, ought never to have gone to Oxford and come home with that newfangled idea of abolishing his harem. The late King Chulalongkorn had had wives a plenty; and he had never had to issue such a decree as King Rama announced in the Siamese Official Gazette last week.

Read scanners of the Gazette: "His Majesty, King Rama VI, when he promoted the present Queen to be Her Majesty was confident that she would carry out her high duties toward the King and country in a satisfactory manner. Since it now appears that she is incapable of so doing, she will no longer hold her high position and His Majesty has recommended that in future she will be known by some other title."

Certain cables have stated that "London is puzzled by the decree." Bankok is not. The demoted Queen is childless.