Monday, Nov. 02, 1925
In Indiana
The political situation just outside Eden was very simple. There were only two favorite sons, Cain and Abel, and one got the other's scalp. It has never been so simple in Indiana. There have been from primeval times many great sons--always more than there was room for in one little state--and one took another's scalp only to have his own taken in turn, and that is part of the reason why the white settlers got the state so readily. But the coming of the whites did not change conditions much.
Go back as far as 1916. In that year Harry S. New fought with James E. Watson for the Republican senatorial nomination. New won and was elected. In 1916 senator Benjamin F. Shively died, and Tom Taggart (Democratic Boss) was appointed to the vacancy until the next election day. Later the same year Taggart was defeated by Watson. In 1922 Senator New was faced in the primaries by Albert J. Beveridge, Senator (1899-1911,) and Arthur R. Robinson, a young Indianapolis lawyer. Beveridge won in the primary, but the New men helped to weaken his position. As a result Beveridge was defeated in the election by his Democratic opponent Samuel M. Ralston. In 1924 there was no senatorial election in Indiana, but Ed. Jackson with the support of the Beveridgites and the Ku Klux Klan managed to squeeze into the Governorship.
Two weeks ago Senator Ralston died. "Here," said the Republicans, "is the end of our factional fights in Indiana. Governor Jackson will support a Republican. New is in the Cabinet. Governor Jackson may appoint Everett Sanders, the President's Secretary, but if he appoints Beveridge, both Beveridge and Watson will be in the Senate, and there will be no light between them in 1926. They will carry the state easily."
But the Republicans reckoned without Governor Jackson. He considered and then appointed Arthur R. Robinson to fill the vacancy caused by Senator Ralston's death.
The Situation. Beveridge remains outside. Robinson's appointment is good until the general elections a year from now. For that period it gives the Republicans an extra vote in the Senate. But next fall there will be a bitter fight. Watson will be up for re-election for a full term. Robinson will probably stand for re-election for the unexpired Ralston term, lasting until 1929. Beveridge will fight one of them for his place--probably Robinson because he is weaker. And Governor Ed. Jackson may come into the fray by resigning and running for the Senate. With four Republicans, or at least three, scrapping for two offices, there will be a bitter fight, and Tom Taggart or some Democrat of his choice will have a good chance of taking a Senate seat, as Ralston did three years ago from Beveridge and New.
The New Man. Arthur R. Robinson is only 44. He is an Indianapolis attorney, a "good Republican" but of no particular political importance. He is said to be a good orator. Against him politically is the fact that he supported Governor Jackson in the last election and so, justly or unjustly, he is considered a "Klan man."
In North Dakota, Governor Sorlie announced that he would appoint no one to fill the Senate vacancy caused by the death of Senator Ladd, nor would he call a special election, which would cost$200,000. It was believed that he did not have the power of appointment under the North Dakota constitution and Senator Moses and others had declared that his appointee would not be seated by the Senate. Consequently North Dakota will have only one Senator, Mr. Frazier, until a year hence, when regular elections are held.