Monday, Nov. 16, 1925


Pink as the Police Gazette, and with none of that periodical's restraint, a sharply barbed Harpoon was thrust prickfully one night last spring beneath the doors of faculty members and students at the University of North Dakota.

Bristling with horror, many a student and instructor saw his or her name in black and pink. Followed specific charges ranging from "immorality, drunkenness, dop-with its inebriate and erratic aspects stressed and stretched to the limit. A professor was named and sketched as: "A he-duck . . . with a weazened drug-soaked neck and a dried up potato-like face that takes on the official opiate grin . . . deceitful, hypocritical, low, mean . . . [and] given to attempting to seduce young co-eds."

Roused, the University authorities have naturally bestirred themselves during the summer. Last week a District Court grand jury assembled to investigate heated charges and countercharges. At the opening of college this year, President Kane announced that the authors of the Harpoon are known; are no longer within the University's walls.