Monday, Nov. 23, 1925

In Atlanta

Having won New York City for his tribe, James J. Walker, Tammany Mayor-elect, traveled south to rest. He paused at Atlanta in Georgia which, only a little over a year ago, sent a delegation to the Democratic National Convention pledged to defeat the candidacy of Governor Al Smith and knock Tammany into a cocked hat.

But when Mr. Walker of New York paused in Atlanta, he was not greeted by a delegation in white robes and hoods inviting him to move on. He was met by Governor Clifford Walker of Georgia; by Hoke Smith, Secretary of the Interior under Grover Cleveland and onetime (1911-1921) U. S. Senator from Georgia; by Clark Howell, editor of the Atlanta Constitution (former Democratic National Committeeman); by Major John S. Cohen, publisher of the Atlanta Journal (present Democratic National Committeeman from Georgia). What is more, they gave him a great dinner, and cheered him as he declared:

"In spite of certain talk we have heard lately from the unthinking, America is proud of its immigrants. I am the son of one. He came here from a less favored land seeking the right to live and the right to worship God as he found it in his own conscience to so live and to so worship.

"But there is something else I must say: when he came to New York he found the greatest lay charitable organization in the world and over its doors was written Tammany Hall.

"I am sorry to disappoint those who picture a Tammany man as an individual with heavy jowl, a predatory nose and a pugnacious jaw. I am sorry the check suit and the heavy watch chain period in New York politics has passed. I am sorry to disappoint those who associated the Bowery tough of the stage of long ago with a Tammany Hall representative.

"I am sorry for those who will be disappointed to see that all Tammany Hall can send you tonight as its representative is a plain human being."

Next day Editor Clark Howell exclaimed editorially:

"While Mayor-elect Walker did not come South to say it, the Constitution's repeated contention that the Democratic Party cannot win in the next national election without the vote of New York is emphasized by his presence.

"The sooner that fact is realized, and the sooner the Democratic Party quits flirting with the wild radcalism of the Far West in the hope of converting hidebound Republicans who cannot and who will not be pulled away from their affiliation, the better it will be for its welfare.

"It has well-nigh been driven to the rocks by following the misleading chant of pied pipers, whose incantations invariably lead it into the morass of defeat."

Meanwhile Mayor-elect Walker was speeding on to Miami for more rest, and a few people were wondering whether it would ever be possible to unite the three Democratic Parties--the Protestant South, the foreign-born North and the progressive West.