Monday, Dec. 14, 1925
Life Insurance
Last week in Manhattan the Association of Life Insurance Presidents heard its Chairman, William A. Law, President of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., read some reports. He said that there are 54,000,000 policyholders in the U. S., and that they carry $72,000,000,000 in life insurance. The total invested assets of the companies amount to $11,400,000,000. The average insurance carried by each policyholder is $1,333, and the payments this year totaled $1,500,000,000, which is nearly ten times what was paid in 1900.
Ruddy, white-haired Haley Fiske, President of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., declared last week that he is ready to insure workers against unemployment. He said: "Death first. We took care of that. And then accident and disease. We took care of them. A dependent old age. That too is being taken care of by pension systems managed by our company. And now there is unemployment. We must take care of that too."