Monday, Dec. 21, 1925
Robert Alexis Green, Congressman from Florida, addressed the House of Representatives objecting to a feature of the proposed estate tax which is disadvantageous to his state: "Is it equitable and just that you should force this upon the people of Florida, a state which is large in proportion, having 58,000 square miles--as large as New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island together; a state which produces enough vegetables and enough eatable products to feed the city of New York?
"There where the watermelon and the strawberry transform the midnight dew into luscious red juice; there where the springs gush forth that transparent and God-given fluid sparkling with purity and virtue, the only proper drink for an American citizen; but if there be those of a grosser appetite who want to violate the constitution of America, there is Bimini, only an hour or two away.
"My fellow members, I know that of old, Cecilia and Seraphs were fascinated and men were enraptured; I know Timotheus, with magic strain, led rocks, trees and beasts to follow him; I know that the notes of Orpheus entranced them and enthralled the underworld and caused the gods to gaze thereon with envy, and I know that David drew from his harp a chord which swept the gloom from the brow of Saul and flooded Israel's palaces with music and laughter." (Applause.)
"But if all these were mingled in a single rhapsody too great for the hand of mortal man, it would not equal the majesty and the splendor of old 'Suwanee River' played on the ukulele and hummed by the bright-eyed Florida maidens underneath the new magnolia trees, with the soothing odor gushing forth in a blazing November moonlight and--"
The Chairman. "The time of the gentleman from Florida has expired."
Mr. Garner of Texas. "How long will it take the gentleman to finish that picture?" (Laughter.)
Mr. Green of Florida. "Just about two minutes."
Mr. Garner of Texas. "I yield to the gentleman two minutes."
Mr. Green of Florida. "I thank you, sir"--but he began to talk again about the tax bill.