Monday, Dec. 28, 1925

The White House Week

P: The Ambassadors Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary of Spain, Chile, Belgium, Argentina, Peru, France, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Japan, Brazil and Cuba; the Ministers Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Uruguay, Switzerland, China, Sweden, Hungary, Finland, Guatemala, Colombia, Panama, Jugoslavia, Costa Rica, Holland, Bolivia, Esthonia, Lithuania, Irish Free State, Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Austria, Latvia, Egypt, Poland and Bulgaria; the Charges d'Affaires of Salvador, Persia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Paraguay, Nicaragua, San Domingo and Roumania; the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; the Secretary of State of the U. S.; the President of the U. S.; and the respective ladies--all sat down to a grand international feast from the Dolly Madison service in the state dining room of the White House. Besides there were poinsettias, stevia, maidenhair ferns and French gilt candles. The builders of the tower of Babel would have been shocked if the assemblage had begun to talk in its native languages. Afterwards there was music by Mr. Schelling, Mlle. Giannini.

P: The President appointed Mr. Ogden Haggerty Hammond, 56, a native of Kentucky, a real estate man, of Manhattan, a resident of New Jersey, a graduate of Phillips Exeter and Yale, to be Ambassador to Madrid, succeeding Alexander P. Moore, resigned (see SPAIN).

P: Callers at the White House included: Richard M. Tobin, U. S. Minister to the Netherlands, to pay his respects; Governor John W. Martin of Florida to invite the President to visit his state this winter (the gentleman from Florida was shocked to see a bed of pansies in full bloom on the White House lawn); Representative John Philip Hill of Maryland to explain a plan for creating a Department of National Defense (uniting War, Navy and Air--a plan to which the President is opposed) ; Senator Willis of Ohio to discuss plans for getting the Senate to approve U. S. adherence to the World Court.

P: Mrs. Coolidge, past President, attended the first luncheon of the season given by the Senate Ladies--organized during the War for Red Cross work by Mrs. Thomas R. Marshall. The Presidents of the Club in order have been Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Coolidge, Mrs. Dawes.

P: Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Stearns left the White House, where they had been guests for some time, and took train for Boston.

P: In the January issue of the Cosmopolitan appeared "President Coolidge-- An Intimate Study--The First Permitted to Any Journalist," by Frazier Hunt, Associate Editor. The article, two pages long, told of a luncheon with the President. At luncheon there were Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge, Attorney General Sargent, Mr. Frank W. Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. At the President's request Mr. Stearns said grace. The luncheon consisted of bouillon, baked crab meat, fried liver and bacon, and apple sauce. The President ate one piece of liver, but Mr. Hunt ate two. Mr. Sargent asked Mr. Hunt what were his favorite books, and Mr. Hunt answered, "The Bible and Huckleberry Finn" None of the others had read Huckleberry Finn. Mrs. Coolidge said she often opened the Bible at random and read what she came upon. Mr. Coolidge said, "Senator Beveridge wrote something very fine one time about the Bible for everyday reading." After luncheon the President led out Mrs. Hunt on his arm, and Mrs. Coolidge took her away. The four men went upstairs in an elevator to the President's study, where he looked for the quotation from Mr. Beveridge, but could not find it.

P: Colonel E. M. House was a week-end guest at the White House.

P: The President received an invitation from the League of Nations to have the U. S. attend a conference for disarmament. He marked time and considered what action he would take.

P: In a Yuletide message to the boys and girls of the U. S., the President said: "It is because of the great chance that American boys and girls have . . . that to them, more than to the youths of any other country, there should be a merry Christmas."