Monday, Dec. 28, 1925
Movie Rights
Indignation was expressed in the House of Commons when it was learned that Mr. McNeill, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, had leased the right to film the signing of the Locarno Treaties (TIME, Nov. 2) to a single cinema firm for only -L-150 ($750).
Lieutenant Commander Ken worthy, M. P., renowned for his chronically embarrassing interjections, cried: "The Government has given away something quite valuable." Several honorable gentlemen reproved him and insisted that the Government should not have profited at all.
Finally Mr. McNeill himself arose: "Gentlemen, the -L-150 represents the 'cost of production' to the Government: the installing of the platform from which the pictures were taken, the electric wiring and the special lighting apparatus. . . . I am perfectly willing to admit that I may do better next time. . . . The Government will consider the possibility of asking for competitive bids."