Monday, Dec. 28, 1925
Across the scareheads of Berlin papers splashed a word, all curlicues and squiggles, which U. S. tourists suddenly recognized as "VOLSTEAD." Throwing themselves upon the mercy of German friends, the tourists were dumbfounded to learn that the scare-heads read, "AMERICA WET AGAIN! VOLSTEAD LAW RE-PEALED!"
There followed a long and jubilant article describing in detail a midnight session of the U. S. Congress at which President Coolidge had appeared and personally rushed through the repeal of the 18th Amendment. The orgies and drinking bouts which followed this legis- lation were hailed as marking the emergence of the U. S. from its
"slough of hypocrisy." Despatche: reported that U. S. consulate; throughout the Reich were deluge with congratulatory or vitupera tive telephone calls.
The source of this highly cir cumstantial hoax was not discov ered.