Monday, Dec. 28, 1925
Dramatic Season
At Washington, U. S. capital, the Russian Information Bureau released last week a most significant sheaf of comments upon the present dramatic season in Moscow:
The Great Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. A repertoire of the standard Russian, French, German and Italian operas; and in addition such modern compositions as The Decembrists by Zolotarev, an opera written with a careful historical basis around the famed "Decembrist Revolt" of 1825, and produced this year for the first time to commemorate its 100th anniversary. Likewise, under the direction of M. Goleizovsky, a series of classic ballets and the "ballet satires," Lalo and Don Quixote.
The Little Academic Dramatic Theatre (now in the 101st year of its existence). A program made up chiefly of plays by Ostrovsky, Schiller and Shakespeare; and several "serious modern plays of a social significance," together with "a travesty on Soviet life," The Commissar's Brother, by M. Lerner.
The First and Second Academic Art Theatres (i. e., the so-called "Moscow Art Theatre" recently brought to the U. S. by astute Morris Gest). The same repertoire with which they appeared in the U. S., likewise the Prometheus and Oresteia of Aeschylus, a. d. Shakespeare's Hamlet.
The Kamerny Theatre. Numerous realistic dramas, including The Hairy Ape by the famed U. S. dramatist, Eugene O'Neill.
Meyerhold's Theatre. Last minute satires on Soviet life, plays suppressed under the Tsarist regime, a bizarrely staged modernistic Hamlet, and Roar, China! This last, by M. Tretyakov, who has recently returned from China, deals satirically with the present political muddle there.
The Theatre of the Revolution and Semperante Theatre of Improvization (both founded in 1920). Respectively a repertoire of post-revolutionary plans and a series of dramas improvised on the spot by the actors, in the manner of the ancient Italian Commedia dell Arte.
The Theatre of Satire. Light ''reviews" and satiric comedy.
On Tour. The Musical Studio of the Moscow Art Theatre, now appearing in Manhattan; and the State Jewish Theatre, about to leave Moscow for a series of European engagements.