Monday, Dec. 28, 1925

In Brooklyn

Brooklyn, a borough of New York City, hasas populous and bustling an industrial section as any city on this continent, but over its residential district, over drowsing brown stone-fronted streets lingers the breath of a vanished century. Thevchurches on many corners, the winking brass bell knobs on front doors, the window-boxes and plush curtains, all speak of a civic pride that clings anxiously to dwindling incunabula. It is not a matter of tradition, for most of the old families have moved to Manhattan. "Foreigners" and their blowsy women cook goulash and whip children in the houses where 40 years ago candles shone in crystal girandoles, and violins complained all night. A newspaper writer recently referred to Brooklyn as the "City of a Thousand Freaks," and many of the throwbacks who still live there are queer sticks indeed. You see them scurrying along the sidewalk on obscure errands, babbling cheerfully to themselves some as wear Dundreary whisker; some the plaid breeches of a fine de-siecle "sport," and many of them, particularly on sunny days carry umbrellas.

Brooklyn has a greater population than Philadelphia, St. Louis or Buenos Aires, and in the great hordes of its citizens it numbers 5,000 boys and girls who are students at the College of the City of New York. Every morning these students have to get up and hurry to the subway and travel many miles to their classes. The amount they spend a year on car fare alone would pay the interest on two million dollars. They waste their time, strength, money, in the subway. So said public-spirited citizens last week, leading up to the statement that Brooklyn needs a college of its own.

A statement by Edward C. Blum, genial president of Abraham & Straus ("the Perfect Store") summed the matter up: "Brooklyn with its more than 2,000,000 population can support an institution of collegiate degree very easily. The institutions of that character in Brooklyn now, although they art private, are crowded to capacity and there are many waiting to enter or go elsewhere for their studies."