Monday, Jan. 04, 1926

Silica Gel

Ever since he invented silica gel during the War, Dr. W. A. Patrick, Professor of Chemistry at Johns Hopkins University, has been prophesying the universal use of his product in steelmaking, oilrefining, refrigeration. Last week he was able to report striking progress. A steel mill in England is using it; the U. S. Steel Corporation plans to install it in one of its plants; a New England manufacturer of refrigerating cars uses it; the Paulsboro, N. J. plant of the Standand Oil Co. uses it.

Essentially, this stuff is colloidal silica possessing immense absorbent qualities. It looks like coarse sand, but has pores so fine no microscope can detect them. In refining petroleum, it removes the sulphur-bearing constituents and gum-forming compounds. But, most remarkable, silica gel makes ice with the help of heat.

The principle of heat-induced ice is simple. Apply a vacuum pump to water, draw off the vapor, the result is ice. Silica gel grains act as a pump. In the pores of the silica gel, the vapor liquefies, giving it enormous power to absorb vapor. With a small flame under the gel the condensed vapor is driven off, so that its absorbent qualities are unimpaired until the remaining water is frozen.