Monday, Jan. 04, 1926
Downward Pass
At San Francisco the "All-Western Eleven," made up of star players from Leland Stanford, the University of California, Oregon Agricultural College, etc., defeated 6 to 0 the "All-Eastern Eleven," whose players hailed from West Point, the University of Michigan, Florida State, Pittsburgh, Drake, Iowa, Georgia Tech, etc. The proceeds of the fray went to the local Hospital for Crippled Children, and the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine were responsible for staging what proved to be a combined football game and babbitts' revel. To drum up publicity, one Hugh K. McKevitt, Illustrious Potentate, ardent Mystic Shriner, tossed a football from the 23rd floor of the San Francisco Telephone Co. Building. Then he tossed another-- and another--and another. Meanwhile Brick Muller, famed Californian right end of the "All-Westerns," scampered about 320 feet below and finally caught Potentate McKevitt's fourth downward pass. Baseball fans recalled that the hard-centred spheroids employed in playing their favorite game have been successfully caught (by catcher Street of the Washington "Senators" and catcher Sullivan of the Chicago White Stockings and others) when dropped 555 feet from the top of Washington Monument.