Monday, Jan. 11, 1926

In Philadelphia

Handel's Hallelujah Chorus burst the air, the Grand Union Cambridge flag was unfurled from the flagstaff of Independence Hall--the same flag General Washington hoisted for the Colonial Army on Jan. 2, 1776--21 bombs burst in air, a company of Colonial troops stood at attention, 100,000 people crammed Independence Square and Chestnut Street.

Within the hall it was 4:00 p.m. Brilliant electric lights gave the effect of daylight; the Continental Congress assembled--Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Henry Lee, et al. Last to stride in among the famed patriots was John Hancock. In stentorian tones he called for order. "In accordance with Colonial custom" the proceedings were carried out and the Declaration of Independence was signed again.

The Liberty Bell began to ring, for the first time since 1835 when it rang John Marshall to his grave and cracked--rang with about 80% of its former tone volume. Station WIP broadcast its clangor. The Liberty Bell rang again, rang in the New Year of 1926, rang in the 150th year since the signing of the famed Declaration, rang in the year in which Philadelphia plans to hold an exposition, a sesquicentennial.