Monday, Jan. 18, 1926
Vintners Roused
At the Waldorf-Astoria, Manhattan hotel, one Pierre Dehsdin, French champagne salesman, issued a public rebuke to U. S. bootleggers: "I have reason to suspect that a good deal of imitation champagne is sold in this country under forged trademarks; and I think that something should be done to stop this imposition, which is unfair to the French manufacturer.
"My firm still exports a small quantity of medicinal champagne to the U. S.; and we are obliged to meet the competition of spurious liquids which never were champagne at any stage of their dilution.
"I took back to France with me last year a bottle of what purported to be our own brand of champagne, and which, so far as the container, cork and seal were concerned, I could not myself tell from our own product. This I exhibited before the Congress of the French Syndicate of Champagne Makers, and they were roused to the highest pitch of indignation. I think they will try to do something in the near future to protect their rights."