Monday, Jan. 25, 1926
With the foreign debt-funding agreements arrived at during last summer and fall going through Congress, the World War Debt Funding Commission, headed by Secretary Mellon, met last week.
Greece. The Greek Debt Mission credit to the extent of $15,500,000. The Greek mission asked last week to borrow the other $32,500,000 of the credit before making a funding agreement. The American Commission, startled, prepared a formal explanation setting forth how hard it would be to get Congress to accept such a proposal.
Jugoslavia. The Jugoslavian Debt Mission, under Dr. Milan Stoyadinovich, and including MM. Djuritch, Radosavlievitch, Avramovitch, Svegel, Stamjec, arrived in Washington and announced their readiness to begin funding negotiations on their country's debt of $64,0000,000, which King Alexander in Belgrade last week described as "a debt of honor."
France. Henry Berenger, new French Ambassador to the U.S., was expected momentarily to renew informal discussions with Secretary Mellon on the French Debt to the U.S.