Monday, Feb. 01, 1926


A French political face, some-what careworn--eyes that are a perfect mask, mouth accustomed to implicit obedience to the mind, a pince-nez worn with distinction, and a business-like mustache--such were the features which the Capital looked upon, pondered on, last week.

Washington had glimpsed that face before--in the few unfruitful days which the French Debt Mission spent in Washington last fall. But then Washington's attention was focused on other features, on the luminous eyes of that financial enchanter, M. Caillaux, the wizard whose great spell failed. The glances which fell then on Victor Henry Berenger, Senator from France, were sidelong, cast from eye corners. It was Caillaux's great scene. All other characters were supernumeraries. Not so, last week. The tenor had given place to the baritone. It was M. Berenger's solo. Victor Henry B#233;renger walked into the Washington scene with confidence. He came bearing the credentials of his country as Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the U. S. But it is not as a diplomat that he is known in France. There he is noted for many achievements.

At only 20 he obtained his "literary license." At 24 he was President of the Paris Students' Union, and before he was 30 he had 'published a number of books on intellectual or social problems. One of his books was called The Intellectual Aristocracy--he himself is an example of the aristocratic intellectuelle. He became a publisher-editor of the kind so common in France; was associated with the Revue des Revues, La Depeche, L'Action, Renaissance Politique et Litteraire.

He is a Senator of France and also of Guadeloupe, one of the French dependencies in the West Indies. He has held various posts under the government, and in his various capacities has made a 'number of official reports. To Americans official reports mean nothing. In France Senator Berenerer's reports are regarded with awe, amazement and admiration. They are described as "monuments," as "masterpieces."

In the French Senate he held the post of Rapporteur General du Budget" (the nearest analogy to this in the U. S. is the Chairmanship of the Senate Finance Committee, now held by Senator Smoot) --a post of great responsibility, a post that has been held by Poincare and by Doumer, the present French Finance Minister.

And M. Berenger steps out of the world of literature, out of the world of French politics, out-- theoretically out--of the realm of Government finance. He goes into the realm of diplomacy, to which he is new.

When he came to the White House last week to present his credentials to President Coolidge, he had not even the gorgeous uniform of a French Ambassador, the brilliant gear, with which all the diplomats of the world are outfitted. Instead he came in black, with dangling strips of broadcloth behind him--in the funereal full dress which usually marks the diplomats of only one nation--the diplomats of the U. S. He wore however the broad sash of the Legion of Honor, the orders of Queen Isabella the Catholic, of St. Maurice and St. Lazare.

But his first words to the President indicated that, although he had turned diplomat, he had not left finance far behind him:

"With especial regard to the financial settlement of the obligations contracted in connection with the late War of 1914-1918, France again declares herself true to the principle of the sanctity of international contracts. Even in the midst of the difficulties of restoration which the ravages of the last invasion still cause her, France is resolved to settle the debts contracted for her defense and for that of civilization as promptly and as fully as her present and future possibilities will allow.

"France knows that the economic world cannot be brought back into equilibrium unless every one in the world meets internal and external obligations by a strict restoration of credit and of confidence.

"We are convinced that the traditional friendship of the United States of America will make easier for France a progressive and orderly liquidation of the obligations bequeathed to her by the last war.

"This, Mr. President, is the spirit in which my Government has commissioned me to represent it near your Excellency, and thanks to which I shall be happy to carry on with you our historic relations of solidarity, uprightness, justice and friendship."

Three days later Ambassador Berenger was knocking at Andrew Mellon's door. The door was not long in opening. And after M. Berenger had been within a time, he emerged and Mr. Mellon sent word to the press that France is ready to reopen negotiations for funding her $4,000,000,000 debt. Meetings will be attended by M. Berenger and the U. S. Debt Funding Commission.

It was not in vain that France made an aristocrate intellectuel into a financier, and a financier into an Ambassador.