Monday, Mar. 01, 1926


At Vancouver, B. C., the chef of the great transpacific liner, Empress of Asia, received a bulky package from an anxious Canadian messenger and bore it reverently to a special ice box. Inquisitive passengers who insisted on visiting the ship's kitchens were allowed a peek at the package as a special favor. Across it sprawled an address: "For the Tokyo Angling and Country Club, Tokyo, Japan."

At Tokyo the members of the Tokyo Angling and Country Club* awaited the package with decorous impatience. A few of them went out and walked about among the numerous diminutive streams and lakes owned by the club. They talked excitedly. They speculated on whether the 5,000 Eastern Canadian trout eggs which they had ordered from Vancouver would hatch out into sportive speckled game for Japanese fishermen.

*Japan's most exclusive millionaire country club. The late president of the club was Viscount Takaaki Kato, Premier of Japan, who recently died (TIME, Feb. 8).