Monday, Mar. 01, 1926


Read TIME through from p. 5 to p. 32. Then read p. 34 to p. 40. Then come back to this page and ask yourself the following questions. What do you know?

1) What Cabinet member is being mentioned for Governor of Pennsylvania?

2) Who is to head the Rockefeller Museum in Cairo?

3) How many francs to the dollar nowadays?

4) "This is scandalous," said George V. What was scandalous?

5) Who incurred for himself the nickname "Seatless Mac"?

6) Which is the oldest (1866) university for Negroes in the South ?

7) What did Queen Wilhelmina do with the money?

8) Name any doctor or any dentist in the House or Senate.

9) Andrew Volstead last week did something that is forbidden. What was it?

10) What famed river would form part of the boundary between the proposed North Florida and South Florida?

11) What territory does General Chang propose to make an independent country?

12) How many Gutenberg Bibles are known to exist?

13) How old was Mary Queen of Scots when she first married?

14) What treaty was the chief subject of Parliamentary debate last week?

15) Whose sister looked like Venus?

16) For what much-needed invention has the S. P. C. A. offered a $1,000 prize?

17) Describe a good new way of destroying an iceberg.

18) Why can President Pearson of the New Haven Road point with pride?

19) What country has for its dictator "a short, cynical, perpetually sneering soldier"?

20) Of the 700 delegates representing 158,000 anthracite miners, how many voted against the new wage agreement?

21) Johns Hopkins withheld Mrs. Ladd-Franklin's diploma for 40 years. Why?

22) Why is Nevada the middle name of whom?

23) During an examination in a Manhattan school, 245 children were left alone. Instructors spied on them, compiled statistics. What percentage of the children cheated?

24) Into what three branches does U. S. Jewry classify itself?

25) What vault has a keyhole shaped like the letter N?