Monday, Mar. 08, 1926


Mrs. Douglas Robinson, otherwise Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, sister of the late President and mother of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, has long been an energetic woman in public life.. Recently she suffered a hemorrhage of the eye which almost blinded her. Last week, none the less, she continued her public speaking until ready to enter Johns Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore for treatment.

How able and how energetic she is may be judged by the number of her activities. Like her elder brother, Theodore, she has led a strenuous life, even to the present time when she is 64. In 1912 she worked for her brother and the Progressive party, in 1916 for Hughes, and in 1920 after supporting General Wood for the Republican nomination, she campaigned for Senator Harding, advocating nationalism instead of internationalism, economy instead of extravagance. Her interests range from poetry to politics. Her pen has been active as well as her tongue, produced in 1912 The Call of Brotherhood, in 1914 One Woman to Another, in 1919 Service and Sacrifice, and in 1921 a biography, My Brother, Theodore Roosevelt. Indeed she has always been a devoted admirer of her brother, saying that if George Washington was the father of his country, her brother was the brother of his country. Age cannot stale her strenuosity of life.