Monday, Mar. 15, 1926
Read every department of TIME except this Quiz. Then turn back to page 33. Quiz yourself. To do well, you must correctly answer at least 80% of the questions.
1) Name the three great (existing) Eastern railway systems.
2) "Mr. Watson, please come here. I want you." Why are these sentences historic?
3) What ambassador was called back to Washington to confer with the President on disarmament?
4) "When the young men now in law school sit upon the Supreme bench, they are likely to look back upon Justice -- and Chief Justice -- as the greatest two men who ever sat in the Supreme Court." Fill in the blanks.
5) In what opera house was d'Annunzio's The Martyrdom of San Sebastian given its Italian premiere?
6) What muscles do nautch girls especially develop?
7) "Aha! So there was poison in the Locarno Loving Cup!" Who said it?
8) What often causes trichinosis?
9) Doumergue, Herriot, Doumer, Briand--what office did each of these Frenchmen hold before the fall of the Briand Government last week?
10) Which Pankhurst (of three) is the most violent, most versatile?
11) The National Food Products Corporation was obliged to forego its $2,000,000 incorporation program. Of what Federal act was it a potential violator?
12) "I will go there if I am sent there," said Christabel Pankhurst. Where?
13) What proposed amendment to the U. S. Constitution does Augustus Thomas allege William J. Bryan penned before he died?
14) Augustus Thomas has written a propaganda play. Propaganda against what?
15) Name Congressman Sosnowski's greatest rival for "best dressed man in the House."
16) How old is the youngest person scheduled to go on an Arctic expedition this spring?
17) What popular exhibition of Art opened in Manhattan last week?
18) Fifteen colleges met in a Glee Club tourney. Which won?
19) Dr. Swearingen, St. Paul divine, spoke of the "greatest opportunity for the Church in general since the Reformation." He referred to a certain church merger that was recommended last week. What two Churches (denominations) were involved?
20) William Evans is conduct a school for umpires. He bestows an M. A. For what do this "M" and "A" stand?
21) For what two nations did Spy Lincoln function during the War?
22) What preparatory school did E. H. Harriman choose for his son?
23) What professor did Harvard gain last week?
24) What state has only one living ex-U. S. Senator?
25) "They will quickly bore each other to distraction." Who will?