Monday, Mar. 29, 1926

In the Riff

From the embattled Riffians, warring against France and Spain, a letter came last week to London, after being smuggled through the Spanish lines by a runner faithful to Abd-el-Krim:

"To the Editor of The Times:


"We rejoice to communicate to you true information concerning the situation of our country. . . .

"Concerning what our enemies charge us with, that we are in relations with the Soviet and Germany and that foreigners are taking a hand in our country, all that is imaginary and is the fruit of enemy rumors. . . .

"We know nothing of politics or intrigues or roguery, but our opponents are masters of those things. They do not understand any ways but those of the fox, and this brings about misunderstandings on every occasion. . . .

"When we are in a dilemma and uncertain what road to take, we turn and carry out the Arab saying, 'The sword is more truthful than writings'. . . .

"Finally, we desire to assure you that although the enemy occupies a portion of our country and may, we suppose, advance and occupy other parts, all this does not detract from our faith, for we remain steadfast to our principles, even if only one mountain top may remain to us to occupy or to inhabit. We shall cause great loss to our enemies. . . .

"This is what we communicate to you, wishing you to publish it with anticipation of our thanks. Peace be upon you and great respect.


Observers recalled that Abdel Krim, although a native of the Riff, is not only a trained lawyer who practiced for some years in Algiers, but a keen student of international affairs to whose desk are brought the latest copies of the principal journals of the world. Despite the quaint phrasing of his letter, Krim understands the ways of the fox quite as well as do his enemies.

The Ramadan. Since the annual period of 30 days during which faithful Moslems must not eat or drink between dawn and darkness, "The Ramadan," began last week, the armies of Krim have found themselves somewhat at a disadvantage. While Riffian stomachs were adjusting themselves anew to this yearly status quo, no engagements of note were reported.