Monday, Mar. 29, 1926
Read TIME from cover to cover. Then turn to p. 33, quiz yourself. In accordance with a suggestion by Joseph Kastner of the New York WORLD (TIME, March 22, LETTERS), the approximate pages upon which answers can be run down are indicated in this week's Quiz. Subscribers who concentrate when they read will not need this crutch. 1) In the recent newspaper straw ballot, the total vote was about how many to one against prohibition? (See PROHIBITION.) 2) What nation was nominally responsible for deadlocking the League Council at Geneva? (See THE LEAGUE.) 3) What magazine for April carries a well-documented, brief comparative history of commercial aviation in the U. S.? (See AERONAUTICS.) 4) What makes cows give more milk? What (same thing) makes hens lay more eggs? (See Music.) 5) Whose 83-year-old sister heard tributes by radio in her Brooklyn home? (See POLITICAL NOTES.) 6) Who dared to defend the five Fascists accused of the murder of Socialist Matteotti? (See ITALY.) 7) In what act of Ibsen's Ghosts does Libertine Alving appear? (See THE THEATRE.) 8) What two great cities were last week connected by commercial telephone for the first time? (See COMMONWEALTH.) 9) Was Molly Pitcher killed in action ? (See POLITICAL NOTES. ) 10) What have buggies in common with bananas? (See Music.) 11) In the past six years, how many feet (on the average) have the levels of the Great Lakes dropped ? (See SCIENCE) . 12) After what U. S. Admiral would it be stupid to christen a safety razor? (See Music.) 13) What is the real reason the University of London has not been quick to accept the gift of the City of London? (See EDUCATION.) 14) Define an Alaskan "sour-dough." (See AERONAUTICS.) 15) The I. C. C. has set a certain "fair" mark (percentage) for earnings on its own valuation of the property values of Class I railroads. What percentage? (See BUSINESS.)
16) Give the names (first names) of the three brothers who have in turn functioned as President of the Du Pont de Nemours Co. (See BUSINESS.)
17) In 1924, out of every six U. S. marriages how many resulted in divorce? (See RELIGION.)
18) What organization now sits in what was once the Senate Chamber of the Capitol? (See POLITICAL NOTES.)
19) "Ask Dad, he knows." "What a whale of a difference just a few cents make." "They satisfy." "I'd walk a mile." Identify each slogan. (See BUSINESS.)
20) What three men saw their sons inaugurated as U. S. Presidents? (See THE PRESIDENCY.)
21) Whose children are named James, Jane, Jean, Joan and Jewel? (See THE CABINET.)
22) How many million people in the U. S. July 1, 1926, by Census Bureau estimate? (See THE CABINET.)
23) Who functioned as Congressman Andrew Volstead's secretary? (See PROHIBITION.)
24) How will the new football rules affect forward passing? (See SPORT.)
25) Name a great prophet of ectogenesis. (See EDUCATION.)