Monday, Apr. 05, 1926
The Legislative Week
The Senate-- P: Considered the appropriation bill for the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce and Labor.
P: Noted well a vote of 10 to 1 (with two Senators abstaining) by which the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections decided to recommend to the Senate the unseating of Senator Smith Brookhart of Iowa and the seating of his opponent, Captain Daniel W. Steck.
The House--
P: Debated the Legislative appropriation bill.
P: Passed numerous omnibus pension bills.
P: Had laid before it by the Judiciary Committee an impeachment of Federal Judge George W. English, accusing him of having used his judicial office to set up a "bankruptcy ring" (TIME, March 22). Meanwhile the Foreign Affairs Committee took up the Boylan resolution calling for suspension of U. S. relations with Mexico.