Monday, Apr. 05, 1926
Check) Developments
Sir Eric Drummond, suave and able Secretary General to the League of Nations, drew a check for something over a million full-valued Swiss francs last week ($225,000). In exchange for the check, there was turned over to the League a villa on the shore of Lake Leman, the lonely Villa Bartholoni, north of Geneva, which was the residence of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson during her visit last September.
Sir Eric glowed for a moment with satisfaction at the thought that a new League Assembly Hall and Secretariat will shortly rise upon the Bartholoni property and on adjacent lots. Sir Eric's good humor vanished as he settled down to the vast batch of despatches which are his perennial due. Ominous developments concerning the League were occurring at London (see COMMONWEALTH, "Chamberlain Grilled"), at Berlin (see GERMANY, "Tirpitz Roused"), at Washington (see NATIONAL AFFAIRS, "Houghton Stumbles").