Monday, Apr. 05, 1926

August Reception

In Madrid, Mr. Ogden Haggerty Hammond, President of the Hoboken Terminal Co., rode in a golden coach. The coach received its first coat of gilt in the 16th Century; so did four other coaches which rumbled after.

In Ambassador Ogden Haggerty Hammond's coach rode Count Velle, whose duty was to introduce the new U. S. Ambassador to Spain to H. M. Alphonso XIII, a vital, resolute young man with a twinkle in his eye.

The golden coaches jolted past crowds which would have cried "Long live Mr. Ogden Haggerty Hammond!" if they had known his name. Behind trotted a squadron of the royal cavalry.

At the Plaza Del Almeria, the courtyard of the Royal Palace, a regiment of the Madras Hussars of Pavia was drawn up in honor of the Ambassador. Count Velle conducted him within. There Alphonso received him with the majesty of a sovereign, with the handclasp of a good fellow.