Monday, Apr. 19, 1926

Hefty Planks

Once a year the extreme left wing Laborites of Britain gather to keynote their Independent Labor Party platform and to reiterate their claim to be "he brains of the British Labor movement." When they assembled last week at Whitley Bay, there was in evidence a new party slogan: "Socialism in our time!"

Planks in the Independent Labor Party platform as finally erected last week:

1) Internationalism in our time. 2) Complete revision of the Treaty of Versailles. 3) Withdrawal of demands for reparations from Germany. 4) Cancellation of all War debts. 5) Resumption by all* nations of full political and economic relations with Soviet Russia.

*The following countries had established normal diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union up to Jan 1, 1926: Afghanistan, Arabia, Austria, China, Danzig, Denmark, Esthonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania. Mexico, Mongolia, Norway, Persia, Poland, Sweden, Turkey. Czechoslovakia has established trade relations.