Monday, Apr. 26, 1926

Los Angeles Flies

For the second time since the wreck of the Shenandoah (TIME, Sept. 14), the dirigible Los Angeles rose from her mooring mast at Lakehurst, N. J., and headed south-east against an April wind. The early excursionists in Asbury Park and Point Pleasant saw her pass, a silver minnow loitering in the pale sky, and they looked at one another and talked stupidly about bolts of lightning, picturing the silver skin gutted and men blown down the night like seeds. Captain G. W. Steele Jr., however, and Lieutenant Commander Charles M. Rosendahl, who flew the ship, indulged in no such morbid associations. "Rosendahl made a brilliant landing, but the ground crew* needs practice," said Captain Steele.

*Some 300 men are needed to get the Los Angeles into her hangar.