Monday, May. 10, 1926

The Legislative Week

The Senate--

P: Approved the Belgian debt settlement by vote of 55 to 20.

P: Approved debt settlements with Latvia (50 to 18); Roumania (51 to 16); Esthonia (51 to 16).

P: Approved the Czechoslovakian debt settlement by vote of 53 to 17.

P: Debated the McFadden bill empowering National Banks to establish branches.

P: Debated the $165,000,000 public buildings bill.

P: Passed the Appropriation Bill for the Legislative Establishment. (Bill went to conference.)

The House--

P: Passed a bill to create separate Customs and Prohibition Bureaus in the Treasury Department. (Bill went to Senate.)

P: Passed a bill providing $30,000 to erect a monument in France to the 93rd (Negro) Division of the A. E. F. (Bill went to Senate.)

P: Passed a Senate bill appropriating some $50,000 to purchase from O. H. Oldroyd the house in which Lincoln died and the Lincolniana now housed there. (Bill went to the President.)