Monday, May. 10, 1926

Miscellaneous Mentions

At the close of the Revolutionary War the Virginia Legislature voted, as a reward, to grant certain lands to George Washington. The lands were in what has now turned out to be Washington County, Pa. George Washington went to claim his lands and found one David Reed in possession of them. The two went to law and David Reed won. Last week it was discovered by genealogists that David Reed was the great-great-grandfather of Senator David A. Reed of Pennsylvania, staunch supporter of the Administration, and the great-grandfather of Senator James A. Reed, of Missouri, vigorous Democrat--enemies in politics, cousins in blood.

Uncle Joe Cannon, by christening "Joseph Gurney", for many years Speaker of the House, last week made it plain to reporters that he had not even considered twice what to do on his 90th birthday (May 7). His one thought has been, "Supper for three, a black cigar, the Danville (Ill.) Commercial Times, and a poker game till 10:30."