Monday, May. 10, 1926
Read every department of TIME except this Quiz. Then turn back to page 33. Quiz yourself. To do well, you must correctly answer at leant 80% of the questions.
1) To what act of Moses did Mrs. Kahn aptly refer in her maiden speech? (See p. 8.)
2) To whom did King Alexander give a straw? (See p. 14.)
3) What is the name of England's "Wall Street"? (See p. 34.)
4) What smart son of a smart father has 224 patents? (See p. 10.)
5) Who is "Emperor" Cook? (See p. 11.)
6) Who last week got the Silver Buffalo? (See p. 9.)
7) What did Clarence Dillon fail to buy last week? (See p. 32.)
8) About how many U. S. soldiers lost their lives in the War? How many French? (See p. 8.)
9) What cousin of Edward of Wales once rescued a drowning U. S. jack-tar? (See p. 9.)
10) Through whom is Senator Reed of Missouri related to Senator Reed of Pennsylvania? (See p. 9.)
11) How did John D. Rockefeller Jr. relieve King Fuad of embarrassment? (See p. 35.)
12) What composer gave his last glorious melody to a slave girl ? (See p. 18.)
13) What diet might make a six-year-old child six feet tall? (See p. 35.)
14) What people dp scientists consider the "lowest living form of humanity"? (See p. 34.)
15) To what coal policy is the British Labor Party pledged? (See p. 11.)
16) How did a Chicago critic define a Dybbuk? (See p. 16.) 17)
Name three examples of the art of Cass Gilbert. (See p. 17.)
18) Why was Playwright Munro in the news last week? (See p. 16.)
19) What animals does Mr. Ringling prefer in pictures? (See p. 17.)
20) What may cause an increased demand for U. S. coal? (See p. 31.)
21) What government might be overthrown by its dramatic policy? (See p. 13.)
22) What do lawyers mean by "Special Master"? (See p. 31.)
23) Who was goddess of the poultry yard in the land Abraham came from? (See p. 34.)
24) What notable power is lodged in the House Committee on rules? (See p. 5.)
25) Why did Motorist Parry steer with only one hand while setting a world speed record? (See p. 26.)