Monday, Jun. 07, 1926
A running race is the oldest form of human athletic game. It is indubitable that barefoot Neolithic sprinters tore through the fields and underbrush in violent competition ages before the laced sandals of Spartan contestants were to be seen pounding along mountain roads in prolonged endurance tests; and the modern spiked shoe is stiil further removed from those vigorous days. The wonder of all this is that each year, each week, produces new records, the old achievements being displaced by reduced time, the most ancient of sports being improved upon with startling regularity.
Last week in the great I. C. A. A. A. A. track meet at Cambridge, six records* fell. A flying youth named Russell from Cornell dashed 100 yd. in 9 7/10 sec., equaling the record set four years ago and disproving a statement by an old-time coach to the effect that anyone who ran the hundred in less; than 10 sec. was a liar. That feat is a commonplace today. The same youth bolted uncannily down tho track for the 220 yd. dash, came in like lightning, passed his field in 21 sec., and won by 2 1/2 yd., shattering another record.
The 220 yd. hurdle record was set aside by a Southern Californian, who pounced the distance in 23 2/5 sec., steeplechasing over obstacles in what was formerly fairly good time for a straightaway.
His team captain, Clarence Houser, tossed the discus into first place money and another new record of 151 ft. 3 3/8 in. The discus weighs 41/2 Ib. Houser threw it farther than most men can throw a baseball. With a mighty push he sent the shot floating through the air for another record of within a quarter inch of 50 ft.
King of Leland Stanford leaped over the bar in the high jump, cleared safely, won the event at 6 ft. 5 1/2 in., capturing the honor of another new record. That distance is as high as some doorsills.
Carefully calculating the height of the crosspiece, Sabin Carr of Yale walked down the cinder path, turned, began trotting with his bamboo shaft poised like a phalanx spearman's, ran faster, vaulted boltlike into the air, hung suspended for an instant, writhed a little and fell. He cleared at 13 ft. 2 in., another record.
Six new records established in a single competition was the phenomenal result of the two days' meet. The University of Southern California snared major honors with ten points better than the closest opponent Leland Stanford University. Yale, only one-sixth of a point behind, took third; Harvard, fourth. The athletes from California had repeated their sterling performance of the year at Philadelphia, where they won the intercollegiate championship, entraining for home with four first places, three new records, attached to their belt.
* All records quoted are Intercollegiate Amateur Association of America.