Monday, Jun. 28, 1926

Washington v. Princeton

Sixteen huge thighs kicked as one, sixteen monumental wrists snapped down, eight long oars feathered the water of Lake Carnegie and dug in deep for another stroke. The crew of the University of Washington was rowing against Princeton. They had arrived from the West Coast a week before to perfect their technic and between spells of rowing their large shapes had been seen posing about the town in sweaters adorned with little oars--a crew of giants. Two of them were six feet five inches high; their average height was six feet three; even the coxswain was a big man. This display of brawn had caused some apprehension in the minds of Princeton undergraduates and now as the two shells slipped over a panel of golden water, glazed with sunset, it was apparent that this apprehension was not unfounded. The Princeton crew rowed hard; the Washington crew rowed easily; the Princeton coxswain barked excitedly; the Washington, coxswain chanted a beat as slow as a Baptist psalm. At the mile the men of Princeton, tiring, had slipped a little behind; at the finish, six lengths.